Professional Portfolio

The first sample is on the blog writing on the community and the different part of the blog writing which I have really enjoyed in the program and get more knowledge about the different community.

My first writing sample is from COMM 202 from this course I have developed many skills but I want to discuss the blog in which I able to know about the different community. From DCA draft ‘Our organization follows one significant factor of taking feedback from the customers which is extremely beneficial to promote employees.  This has been shown to be useful, as it allows companies to improve their customer service before the customer defects. Technology has made it increasingly easier for companies to obtain feedback from their customers because one can easily get feedback by conducting the survey online.’ I have developed my research skill and expand the most valuable skill of adding citation in this assignment I have added many citation and references which can be beneficial for me in future.

A discourse community is a “group of people who communicate with one another in specific ways in order to achieve goals that unite the group” (COMM202—Communications II, 2018). Through this I can get a suggestion how to work in a team to complete the given task and how communication strategies can be beneficial to achieve the goal. The skill of research and documentation is very much beneficial in any writings and I have learned this skill in the semester which helps me to research online and site that with appropriate citation tool and that can support my educational goal.

“There are about a dozen members of ‘Hotel H’ and have various locations in town. Our main goal is to fulfill the needs of a customer and to treat them exactly as we treat our parents. Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase.” The last area that I developed is in drafting, revising, editing Research and analysis. Through which I can draft my article and it helps to edit and correct the grammatical, punctuation mark errors. I have learned about many discourse communities in these semester and got knowledge about how to develop my communication skill and writing skill in future.




Blog 5 (365 words)

In the final blog of discourse community of sport I would like to write about a player who has done exceptionally good in cricket and has given a good impact of a sportsmanship in this format of game. He is one of the famous well-known players in this game. His name is Sachin Tendulkar and he is known as a god of cricket. I have seemed him playing from my childhood and he has given his best while playing for the Indian team. He was very cool and charm cricketer, he has never shown any attitude or arrogance while playing this sport which makes him a good sports person. He played this sport very gently as  a gentlemen. And he has made many records in this sport and it seems like no one in the game of cricket would able to break it.

Sachin Tendulkar is a former Indian cricketer and captain. He took up cricket at the age of eleven, He is the only player to have scored one hundred international centuries. He is the first batsman to score a double century in a One Day International. He is the only player to complete more than 30,000 runs in international cricket. Sachin Tendulkar is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest batsmen of all time. The Master Blaster is considered one of the complete batsmen ever. He has all the shots in the book. He is the most admired cricketer in the world. Every Indian should be proud of him. None of the batsmen can replace him and no words can express his amazing talent, power and achievement. It is rightly said that if cricket were a religion, Sachin would be the god.

In 2017, I show a movie which was based on him, which was very inspiring and I got inspired that how a small child of 16 year can work hard to achieve success, so I also started working hard to become a successful person in my life. The movie has given a good impact to the person who doesn’t work hard to achieve things in their life. Every cricketer around the world respects him. No-one can forget the things he has given to cricket.


Letter of Transmittal



July 29th, 2018

Letter of Transmittal

Mr. Christian Connolly

Communications 202 Teacher

Sir Sandford Fleming College

Peterborough, ON

K9J 7B1

Dear Mr. Connolly

The following attachment, as requested on July 29th, is the report including our findings on a newly trending technology that has brought tremendous impact on marketing through Mobile phones.

Our report includes a description and comparison of marketing strategies of Apple and Samsung. And how other brands differ in terms of quality and price.

Based on our findings, this technology will greatly benefit marketing and has a broad influence on people’s life. We are grateful to get a information and statistics that are based on the comparison and description of marketing strategies of different products in our report.

We look forward to your feedback and recommendations,


Dev Patel, Arshil Vohra and Aron Sunil.


Direct quote:

“By developing the S Pen to launch the Air Command features like Action Memo, which gives you the ability to jot down a name and number and instantly turn it into a new contact but if we compare the marketing strategy of apple its totally different”


Samsung has an innovative feature of S Pen through which we can run our phone by air command as well as we can take a screenshot, can add memo, and also we can save a new contact number while Apple does not provide these features.


Blog 4 (364 words)

The community selected by me of sport has many conflicts in the game of cricket. The major conflict in the game of cricket is Corruption. Nowadays, match fixing is the best way to earn big amount of money in less time. In the conflict I would like to discuss about a match which was fixed in IPL (Indian premier league). It is one of the best tournaments played around the world. And it is loved by most people in the world. But Nowadays, The domestic tournament played in India has lots of problem with match fixing. The corruption in India has increased a lot since last 10 years and it has affected the IPL tournament. Many rich people who owns the teams in IPL, fix the matches to earn more amount of money from this game.

In the conflict I would like to discuss about a team which was caught in a match fixing named Chennai Super King and was suspended for 2 years from IPL. The BCCI(Board of control for cricket in India) additionally disregarded a noteworthy defilement issue including its own particular president, well off industrialist N. Srinivasan, whose concrete organization claims the Chennai Super Kings in the lucrative Indian Premier League (IPL). Srinivasan’s child in-law was the group’s activities director and turned out to be specifically associated with a genuine wagering outrage including composed wrongdoing figures. Srinivasan had a reasonable irreconcilable situation and ought to have surrendered. A whitewash inner request cleared him and the courts disabled him to proceed as BCCI president.

India presently delivers around 80% of aggregate worldwide cricket income. That power was reached out by the ascent of the IPL, which has additionally expanded player pay rates, delivering challenges for other national cricket specialists. So, India has taken a stranglehold on the amusement’s administration. There is nothing unexpected, at that point, that the BCCI (controlled by the traded off Srinivasan) has straight rejected the principle suggestions of the Woolf Report, and will do likewise with the Transparency International one. This control shows up on-field too. India alone won’t bolster the utilization of cutting edge electronic innovation to help advise umpires’ choices in a diversion where the laws are famously unpredictable..


Three sources for trend analysis: (DEV PATEL, ARSHIL VOHRA, ARON SUNIL)

  1. Walgrove, A. (2015, April 28). Content Marketing Showdown: Apple vs. Samsung. Retrieved July 19, 2018, from
  2. Crook, J. (2012, August 20). Apple And Samsung Bring Their Marketing Strategies To Court. Retrieved July 19, 2018, from
  3. [Case Study]-Apple vs. Samsung: A Battle of Marketing Relevancy. (2017, January 20). Retrieved July 19, 2018, from

Blog 3 (336 words)

My community is sports and a trend that is well-popular nowadays in this community is the increasing market of IPL (Indian premier league). IPL is a league tournament in which 11 team plays with one another to win the final cup. The players of different social and cultural backgrounds share the dressing room, showing unity in diversity. Every team is allowed to have as many as four overseas players aiming at developing international relations.

IPL cricket is one of the largest and most-hopeful new business opportunities in India today. For the first time in the history of world cricket, the Internet has taken lead over traditional TV coverage of the matches. People are more fascinated in watching cricket matches on the internet. Online live IPL cricket matches are available on many websites With its spectacular onset from April 18th, Twenty20 IPL Cricket proves to be a fantasy option of cricket game. We can proudly say that Cricket now belongs to India. It will be a super hit as it is very much in style everywhere in India. One of the goals behind starting this domestic competition is to discover new domestic talent. Cricket fans are in high spirits with the game’s condensed format that finishes within three hours, unlike the usual game which takes five days. IPL is delivering Global cricket at our doorsteps.

The result is so strong that the market is active with enthusiasm. The successful implementation of the idea of IPL needs to be appreciated. No doubt IPL will change the spirit and nature of cricket. Though IPL Cricket is flourishing with its positive aspects, it has some negative aspects too.

The average run-rate of 2018 is the highest ever, and currently, 2018 is on track to be the first ever IPL season to breach the 8rpo mark. To the undoubted frustration of traditionalists, the skill of manipulating the field and rotating the strike is seemingly not the answer. The scoring rate for rotating shots has stayed broadly similar across the entirety of the IPL.


Trend Analysis Research Report



Team Name:  If you wish, give your team a name.



Industry Trend:  Provide a brief description of the industry trend that you have chosen to research and analyse.


Mobile videos



Team Roles: Identify team roles with a “job description” (who does what tasks – be specific).


Name: Job Role Job Description – Background Section




Team Leader/ Manger




Finding and Analysis

Reference and APA citation










Executive summary



ARON SUNIL Supervisor Cause and effects and conclusion

Trend description




Communication Strategy:  Include Meeting Information:  Weekly Meeting Time, Location,; Meeting structure (when/where you will meet? how will meetings will be organized and run?)


Preferred Communication Method:____Facebook  Chat____________________________

Name: Contact Info:

Dev Patel



Arshil Vohra


Aron sunil


Ground Rules/Team Expectations: Develop a list of ground rules that all team members have agreed to follow.  Establish boundaries for your team by developing statements that describe how team members are to behave and perform together on the project.


Some examples may include:

Attendance is mandatory at all meetings.       Be accountable (never miss a deadline, help others)

Participate (ask questions, give opinions)       Arrive on time (5 minutes before each meeting)

Submit quality work (grammar, spelling)       Respect each other (discuss & disagree on task not people)


Consequences:  Develop a list of consequences appropriate for team members who do not follow nor respect the ground rules your team has established.  They should be appropriate and agreed to by all team members. What sanctions will be invoked? (i.e. grade deductions? removal from the team?)  How they will be carried out?  What intermediary steps, if any, will be taken to deal with unacceptable behaviour?


Ground Rules :
If someone did not agree on ideas.



Then we will discuss and share our ideas and come to the solution.
If someone got plagiarise and try to copy from internet.



Then we will give him warning and if he still continues then we will inform to instructor.
If sometimes someone won’t show up on time.



Then we send them to their job to do and next time we will inform to instructor and give him warning.


Team Contract:

Team members sign off:


We the group members have prepared this contract together and we hereby agree to the above noted requirements of each one of us.  Signed, this  08 (day) of  03 (month), 2018(year).


Printed Name                                                                          Signature

_DEV PATEL_________________                   __ARON SUNIL_________________


ARSHIL VOHRA______________                    ___________________________________




Que- What are the roles and responsibilities of each group member?

Ans- The responsibilities which has been assigned to me is: i have to make all the citation and research on the topic online.

And Arshil will write whole project and run the document with grammarly to find grammatical mistakes.


Que- Who is your Trend analysis group and what is the trend you are analyzing?

Ans- Arshil Vohra is my group partner for Trend Analysis Group and we are analyzing the jobs for customer service in Airport. And compare the statistic of job in past and present.